Thursday, January 26, 2012

Just to Clarify...

I just want to make a couple of notes to you, my faithful and dear readers.

I'm humbled and honored at how kind your comments and messages to me have been but I just want you all to know that I'm just a mommy trying to do my best for my family - not a doctor, therapist, or researcher.

I like to post things that are interesting, things I feel strongly about, things we're doing...really our journey on the road we're on right now.

For example: the notes I made about my conference with Dr. Taylor were the highlights that I found interesting, not the facts that I am sure are true.  If you had pitocin with your delivery or have a blond haired/blue eyed child your kid is not doomed to a life of ADHD.  Just because I give my kids a vitamin regimen every night doesn't mean that you have to.  Please know that I'd LOVE to visit with any of you about the things I post...just please don't confuse me with something I'm not.

I'm just a mommy who loves her kids so ferociously that I'll climb the mountain to the top today and then do it all over again tomorrow.

I love you all and pray that God blesses you on your journey to your own healthy lifestyle!


Anonymous said...

I gotta admit, I had a minor panic attack when I read the entry that had the pitocin information from Dr. Taylor in it. I cringed, thinking about my own labor induction with pitocin and worried that I might have caused problems for him, inadvertently. I googled the terms and found information to support the correlation. Now, I know that there are also many, many babies born with pitocin who grow up without ADHD. And I know that you are simply a mommy who is taking careful inventory of all this information and using it in your life. What I am grateful for it the fact that you shared it with us so that we can be aware of it as well. I had no idea, and the doctors certainly aren't sharing that info with us. So, thank you, once again!

Shonya said...

Great post, love your heart!