Monday, January 16, 2012

Adding to the GOALS!

2 more goals to add...

Short Term = get over my fear of baking with yeast and try make homemade breads and other "yeasty" yummies!

Long Term = learn to can!  Stop being intimidated by canners and learn to use one (oh Mrs. Biiiishhh!!!).


Breanna from glimpse said...

i have thee perfect recipe book to help you overcome these fears of bread! i'll drop it off with your cocoon and hat set today! look for it on your porch! keep it as long as you need :D

Lori said...

WE Can DO IT!!! It isn't hard at all!!

Shonya said...

I'm bummed to be moving--would love to help you with baking bread and canning. Canning, especially, is always more enjoyable with a friend!!