Saturday, April 14, 2012

Homemade Scensty

The cheapskate me and my stand against having so many petroleum based products in my home led me to wanting a way to still use my Scentsy warmers without using the Scentsy brand petroleum bricks.  Thanks to Pinterest and a little trial of my own, I've got it.
1 Tablespoon grated beeswax
1 Tablespoon coconut oil
10 (or so) drops of your favorite essential oil or a combination of two
-can also use extracts (vanilla extract for example) and spices (cinnamon, ginger, etc).

I've got lemon essential oil burning right now...renewing!  Love it!  This concoction isn't as "powerful" as the scentsy bricks but it definitely works and when I had it burning the night I had Bunco at my house I had 2-3 of the 12 present comment & want to know which scent I was burning (peppermint oil & vanilla extract that night).

This is my small warmer in the downstairs bathroom.  For the large warmer I just double the beeswax and coconut oil.  If you'll remember, those 2 ingredients were also used in my homemade lotion that I bought when my friend and I went whole foods/organic shopping so I already had them on hand.  Score!

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