Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Every home needs a WAHOO.  We were introduced to the Wahoo by my friend and cousin-in-law when she requested one for her little boy's first birthday.  I skeptically ordered it, blew it up & delivered it at the party, not understanding what all the hype was about.  Her little tyke was overjoyed with it, as was his big sister and my own children. 
  It's not the same as a hopping ball.  It's better.  You hold onto the ears and hop along but it's sturdy because of the 4 legs (not to say it can't bounce you off!).  This has been, hands down, one of the best therapy tools we have gotten for Natalee.  A few months after the cousin's party their family let us take their Wahoo home for a long weekend.
The borrowed Wahoo in September.  They've gotten much better at it since then!

Since then Natalee wanted one very badly and it took every mommy muscle not to just order it.  She patiently waited for her birthday to get one and specifically asked for it.  Since then she's gotten her use out of it and just this week Xavier has finally figured out how to really make it hop.  
Not only does the Wahoo help with Natalee's strength and balance it gives her a sensory input that brings her a great deal of calm.  Often she doesn't walk from one place to another in the house, she hops, but when she gets there she's calm and ready.  Just tonight I asked her to potty before bed and she went to the opposite end of the house as the bathroom, got on the Wahoo, hopped all the way into the bathroom, did her business, and hopped all the way back to the stairs for bed.  And she was ready for sleeping when she got there. :)
Every therapy department and mother of young children needs a Wahoo!  It's saved us when the weather is yucky or when tension is a little high in the house!

This is an honest review of the Wahoo product my Marky Sparky.  I was not in any way compensated or contacted to review the Wahoo.

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