Sunday, September 9, 2012

Shaving Cream and Clean Hearts!

A picture is worth a thousand words so I'll just leave you with the following photos and a brief description of our fun.  We were having a laid back Friday and had already played outside for almost 2 hours...the kids were behaving excellently so on a whim I grabbed the shaving cream and the preschool table and let them at it.  
I have a love/hate relationship with shaving cream...there is no real "natural" version and most have some kinda yucky ingredients in them.  However, I haven't found anything that offers a sensory experience equivalent to that of shaving cream.  So, it's something we don't do very often, but when we do we go ALL out.  
I had no rules regarding this activity...if you want to fill your hands with cream and then clap - go ahead.  If you want to lay on the table - go ahead.  If you want to paint your arms - go ahead.  They had a blast.  They played for a very long time.

We ended the shaving cream activity with the garden hose...I washed everyone's clothes while they wore clean unders and t-shirts during lunch & nap.  I'd say the extra load of laundry or two was well worth it! 
I have a friend and mentor who has told me often that dirty and messy little children on the outside are much better than dirty and messy little children in the heart and mind.  I totally get her point.  I'm trying to live by those very wise words and embrace the messy "outsides" in exchange for innocent and clean "insides."  

Have a beautiful week!

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